Flight Review
The best way to be ready for a flight review is to fly often, we know that can be hard to do sometimes but our Certified Flight Instructors are here to help get you back to speed and safe. Here is what our flight reviews look like.
During the ground school portion we will cover the following topics. We recommend all students review the following information prior to the flight review.
Recent Flight Experience (§ 61.57)
Authority (§ 91.3)
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Instructions (§ 91.123)
Preflight Action (§ 91.103)
Safety Belts (§ 91.107)
Flight-crew at Station (§ 91.105)
Careless or Reckless Operation (§ 91.13)
Dropping Objects (§ 91.15)
Alcohol or Drugs (§ 91.17)
Supplemental Oxygen (§ 91.211)
Fitness for Flight (Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) chapter 8, section 1)
Basic (§ 91.7)
Flight Manual, Markings, Placards (§ 91.9)
Certification Required (§ 91.203)
Instrument and Equipment Requirements (§ 91.205)
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) (§ 91.207)
Position Lights (§ 91.209)
Transponder Requirements (§ 91.215)
Inoperative Instruments and Equipment (§ 91.213)
Maintenance Responsibility (§ 91.403)
Maintenance Required (§ 91.405)
Maintenance Records (§ 91.417)
Operation After Maintenance (§ 91.407)
Annual, Airworthiness Directives, 100-Hour (§ 91.409)
Altimeter and Pitot Static System (§ 91.411)
Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range (VOR) Check (§ 91.171)
Transponder (§ 91.413)
Markings (AIM chapter 2, section 3)
Operations (AIM chapter 4, section 3; § 91.125 and 91.126)
Traffic Patterns (§ 91.126)
Altimeter Settings (§ 91.121; AIM chapter 7, section 2)
Minimum Safe Altitudes (§ 91.119 and 91.177)
Cruising Altitudes (§ 91.159 and 91.179; AIM paragraph 3-1-5)
Speed Limits (§ 91.117)
Right-of-Way (§ 91.113)
Formation (§ 91.111)
Controlled Airspace (AIM chapter 3, section 2; § 91.129, 91.130, 91.131, and 91.135)
Class G Airspace (AIM chapter 3, section 3)
Special Use (AIM chapter 3, section 4; § 91.133, 91.137, 91.141, 91.143, and 91.145)
Emergency Air Traffic Rules (§ 91.139; AIM chapter 5, section 6)
Services (AIM chapter 4, section 1)
Radio Communications (AIM chapter 4, section 2 and Pilot Controller Glossary)
Clearances (AIM chapter 4, section 4)
Procedures (AIM chapter 5)
Meteorology (AIM chapter 7, section 1)
Wake Turbulence (AIM chapter 7, section 3)
External Pressure
Personal Minimums Worksheet
Risk Management (3-P model)
Practical Test Standards (PTS)/Airman Certification Standards (ACS)
AREA OF OPERATION (from Private Pilot PTS/ACS)
Weather Information
Cross-Country Flight Planning
Performance and Limitations
Operation of Systems
Preflight Inspections
Cockpit Management
Before Takeoff Check
Radio Communications
Airport, Runway, Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting
Normal and Crosswind Takeoff/Climb
Normal and Crosswind Approach/Landing
Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb
Soft-Field Approach and Landing
Short-Field Takeoff
Short-Field Approach
Go-Around Rejected Landing
Steep Turns
Pilotage and Dead Reckoning
Navigation Systems and Radar Services
Lost Procedures
Maneuvering During Slow Flight
Power-Off Stalls
Power-On Stalls
Spin Awareness
Straight and Level Flight
Turns to Headings
Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes
Radio Communications/Navigation Systems
Emergency Operations
Emergency Approach and Landing
Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
Automation Failure: Failure of Autopilot and Avionics
After Landing, Parking, Securing
The minimum requirement to complete a flight review is 1 hour of ground and flight training. Some pilots may require more depending on their recency of experience.
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