During the ground school portion, we will cover the following topics. We recommend all students review the following information prior to the IPC.
Recency of Experience (§ 61.57)
Pilot-in-Command (PIC) Responsibilities and Authority (14 CFR part 91, § 91.3)
Preflight Actions (§ 91.103)
Medical Facts for Pilots (Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) chapter 8)
Fuel Requirements (§ 91.167)
Equipment Check (Very High-Frequency Omni-Directional Range (VOR)) (§ 91.171)
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Two-Way Radio Communications Failure (§ 91.185)
Malfunction Reports (§ 91.187)
Required Instruments and Equipment (§ 91.205)
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)(§ 91.207)
Aircraft Lights (§ 91.209)
Inoperative Instruments and Equipment (§ 91.213)
Altimeter and Pitot-Static System Tests(§ 91.411)
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Transponder Tests(§ 91.413)
ATC Instructions (§ 91.123)
IFR Flight Plan (§ 91.169)
ATC Clearance and Flight Plan (§ 91.173)
Takeoff (TO) and Landing (LDG) in IFR (§ 91.175)
Minimum IFR Altitudes (§ 91.177)
IFR Cruising Altitudes (§ 91.179)
Course to be Flown (§ 91.181)
IFR Two-Way Communications (§ 91.183)
Navigation Aids (AIM chapter 1)
ATC (AIM chapter 4)
Air Traffic Procedures (AIM chapter 5)
External Pressures
IFR Two-Way Radio Communications Failure (§ 91.185)
Emergency Procedures (AIM chapter 6)
National Security and Interception Procedures (AIM chapter 5, section 6)
Preflight Preparation
Weather Information
Cross-Country Flight Planning
Preflight Procedures
Aircraft Systems Related to IFR Operations
Aircraft Flight Instruments and Navigation Equipment
Instrument Cockpit Check
ATC Clearances and Procedures
ATC Clearances
Compliance with Departure, En Route, and Arrival Procedures and Clearances
Holding Procedures
Flight by Reference to Instruments
Basic Instrument Flight Maneuvers
Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes
Navigation Systems
Intercepting/Tracking Navigational
Systems and Distance Measuring
Equipment (DME) Arcs
Instrument Approach Procedures
Non-precision Approach (NPA)
Precision Approach (PA)
Missed Approach
Circling Approach
Landing from a Straight-in or Circling Approach
Emergency Operations
Loss of Communications
One Engine Inoperative During Straight and Level Flight and Turns (Multiengine Airplane)
One Engine Inoperative—Instrument
Approach (Multiengine Airplane)
Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators
Automation Failure: Failure of Autopilot and Avionics
Post-flight Procedures
Checking Instruments and Equipment
Miami Executive
14150 SW 129 ST
Miami, FL 33186
North Perry
1602 SW 77 Ave
Pembroke Pines, FL 33023
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