Choosing a Headset

Every student goes thru the struggle of choosing a headset and I get it, there are a ton of options. To simplify this Ill give my recommendations of 2 differently options. Disclaimer: I’m not sponsored by neither of the two brands but we do sell the Faro’s in our pilot shop. 

Faro G2

Faro G2 Headsets

These headset come at very good price of $169.99. For that kind of money you are getting a metal headset, thick gel ear cushions (trust me these are worth it for the long cross-countries) and a really good warranty. They come with a 3 year warranty and a Life-time wear and tear program, you break it, you can get a new one for 50% off. Not to mention it has an aux cable for music, not that a student should be listening to music anyways but maybe you just want to block out your instructor? 🤷‍♂️ So who is this headset for? Well if you are on a budget and want to get something that will last for a long time but still have some comfort then this is for you. Remember you are learning something new in a very noisy environment also the more comfortable you are the better. 

Bose A20

Bose A20.png

Everyone know how much these cost. A lot! In my opinion no one beats the noice cancelling from Bose. They just sound amazing, the music is awesome, the audio is perfect and connection your phone via Bluetooth is a great tool. Believe me.  I have called for IFR releases and clearances with them many time at uncontrolled airports. There is a reason they are so expensive! But with all the bells and whistles let’s be realistic, these headsets are for pros. For pilots that are flying everyday, multiple times a day. They are not a budget option, so for those who can afford them, go for it, they are worth it. But if you are a student that is on a budget, don’t waste your money and go fly with that money. You will be able to buy them in the future when you make some money. 

Hopefully this sheds some light on picking the right product for you. If you don’t like the Faro’s then try to get something over $150. It’s almost like wine, if its less than $10 bucks use it for cooking. If the headset is less than $150 use if for your passengers! And stay away from in-ear options, they are very cool, light, and inexpensive but not as good for the cockpits of light airplanes. They work great on quiet airliners. 


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