15 Minutes a Day to Success

Becoming a pilot is a very rewarding endeavor, but it doesn’t come easy. It requires commitment. Not only are you required to obtain the skill to safely move and aircraft from point A to point B but also the knowledge behind what makes that aircraft move. Along with many other external factor involved in the flight. So what does it take to learn to fly successfully?

Student pilot checking fuel during pre-flight inspection.
  1. Frequency - Many customers walk in with the expectation that coming once a week, 40 hours later they will have a license. Anyone that tells you that is lying! Coming once a week doesn’t make it impossible, but it does drag it out and costs more money. Learning to fly is like building a house, if you clear the land and come back two weeks to begin the foundation, well there are going to be a bunch of weeds you’ll need to remove. So my recommendation, fly at least 3 time a week.

  2. Studying - Lets face it. Not many want to read about flying, but all want to go flying. I was the same, I hated readying the books. As I got older I found how important they were and how much better flying was when you have a great foundation. Follow the syllabus, it tells you exactly what you need to read. Set aside 15 minutes a day and read up, you will see the difference in the air.

  3. Supplement Your Learning - They say it requires 10,000 hours of doing something to master it. This doesn’t mean in our case 10,000 hours of flight time, it means time spent reading, discussing aviation, attending seminars, online leaning, and many more. All this adds to that time clock and building on your understanding of flying.

The majority of weekend flyers expect the schedule on the left, but after weather, aircraft maintenance, and a family wedding they end with the schedule in the middle. Now that doesn’t mean its impossible to do, maybe. The secret to success is following a schedule like the one on the right. Supplementing the flying with ground training, online courses, and test preps. Students who follow this schedule will be very successful and you will we flying faster to those 10,000 hours of mastery.

Calendar of expectations.
Calendar showing a realistic schedule.

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