Why is this a game-changer for your training?
✔ Train anytime – Practice maneuvers and procedures without worrying about weather conditions.
✔ Save on flight hours – Reduce costs by complementing your training with realistic simulator sessions. More details below.
✔ Build confidence and skills – Master critical flight scenarios in a safe, controlled environment.
✔ For all experience levels – Whether you're a student pilot or already licensed, the Redbird LD helps refine your precision and decision-making.
How much can you use the flight simulator for training?
The amount of time you can do in the simulator is unlimited. However you can only count towards a some time as long as it is dual instruction. The amount of time you can log is dependent of your training is being conducted under part 61 or 141. Below is a showing the allowable times.
Part 61
Private — 2.5 hours
Instrument — 20 hours
Commercial — 50 hours
Part 141 (these times are usually less because of they are already reduced hour courses)
Private — 5 hours
Instrument — 14 hours
Commercial — 24 hours
What is your best advice with the simulator?
If you have every played golf you will notice those who are serious usually go to the driving range and hit a few balls to warm up prior to playing a round. We advise you do the same. Hop on a warm up in the simulator prior to your actually flight lesson with a flight instructor. Practice your slow flight, stalls, emergencies, and much more prior to jumping in the airplane. It will help you practice your flows and setting up for the maneuvers which is the primary reason people mess it up.
Our goal is to help you train smarter, fly safer, and feel more confident in the air. We’re here to support you at every step of your aviation journey.
The Redbird LD Flight Simulator is now available at Miami Executive Airport – North Perry will have delivery for a new simulator before the end of Q1 2025. Soon students at both locations can take advantage of this powerful training tool to enhance their skills, gain confidence, and refine their techniques in a realistic and controlled environment.
If you have any questions or want to learn more, leave us a message—we’d love to hear from you!
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